Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take Action

Week of October 23rd - 29th

*Make a batch of holiday goodies

*Prepare and freeze one meal- your freezer should be filling up as we are nearing the end of our freezer meal preparation.  Only a few more weeks to go!  How easy will your holidays be with all of those dinner options already prepared?

*Purchase at least one Christmas gift. Wrap, label, and store it.

*Finish up any homemade gifts or crafts- if you're not quite finished, keep plugging away.  Be sure you can finish within the next 2-4 weeks.  Otherwise, consider a "Plan B".

*Start addressing your Christmas cards

*Send invitations for Thanksgiving- be sure to finalize details with family and friends if you don't usually send out invites

*Take a holiday clothing inventory- make sure your family has everything they'll need for holiday gatherings.  Consider dress clothes, Christmas pajamas, travel-specific clothing (especially if you're headed to different climate to visit family or for a special event).  Consider using the holiday wardrobe planner from Organized Christmas.

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