Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 7

As I write this, the air is filled with the smell of my grandmother's fruitcake which is baking and I am looking around at the orange, black, and purple decorations that have descended upon our home.  This is my favorite time of year!  I love the Fall season when the air changes, the sun goes down a little earlier, and all the smells and flavors of baked goodness fill my home.   I love the change that it represents.  The relief from an unyielding and scorching summer heat.  The anticipation of the holiday magic that is to come.  Somehow, with the change in season, I feel my energy renewed.  It's with this rejuvenation that we forge ahead.

Here are your plans for the week:

Make a batch of holiday goodies.

Make one freezer meal.

Buy 2 canned/nonperishable items from your shopping list.  Or more if you feel so inclined.  Now is the BEST time to stock up on canned broth, pumpkin, cranberry sauce, and pie filling for all of your upcoming recipes.  It will be in high demand as the weeks progress.  It may be a few cents more since the crazy good sales haven't started yet, but it will be readily available and you won't have to fight hordes of panicked shoppers to get what you need.  Totally worth a few extra pennies!

Buy at least one Christmas gift.

Wrap & label your packages.

Work on any holiday crafts/gifts.

Finish Halloween costume preparation. Now that costumes and pumpkins have filled the stores, everyone has Halloween on the brain.  Finish getting or making any remaining parts of your costumes this week to avoid the rush.

Review your previous lists and finish anything you may have missed.

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