Hopefully you were able to get a binder for yourself or dig up a notebook. Either way is fine. It's really just a matter of personal preference and what will make it easier for you. If you haven't already, divide your notebook into the following sections-
Calendar (unless you prefer to use your wall calendar or Outlook)
To Do Lists
These are the three most basic sections and encompass most of your planning needs. If you have extra sections, you might consider the following:
Christmas Cards
The sections should be pretty self-explanatory with the exception of "Housekeeping". I use this section to keep track of wardrobe needs, any linens I might need to purchase or replace, and/or any repairs or items I need to purchase specifically for the holidays (i.e. wreath hangers, outdoor lights, etc)
If you have all of those sections designated, you are ready to go! Here is your to do list for the week.
Week of August 31st- September 6th
Make the following lists:
- Gifts to give/recipients
- Christmas Card list
- Visits/Trips
- Parties/Entertaining
- Menus- Include, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and any other events you may celebrate in between
- Goodies for sharing/gifts
- Favorite meals to freeze
- Long term shopping list- start this list according to what you plan for each of your holiday meals. It helps to have a separate list for each holiday and one for your freezer meals.